Links Build Relevancy – Where Are Yours?
When it comes to ranking a candidate’s name on a search engine, it requires that search engines have enough information about that person. Building a network of online pages and profiles helps create a web of links that helps political campaigns with search engine optimization (SEO).
Campaign website: This is the hub of your campaign. It’s the central location for news, information and voter interaction. Most of your outside links will point to your website – and there should be outbound links from your website as well. That would include links to you social media and other web profiles.
Social media accounts: Social media profiles for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn often appear near the top of search results for candidate names. The same goes for popular professional profile sites. These accounts should link to your campaign website and to each other, where possible.
Online press releases: Press releases that are syndicated online and added to local news sites are excellent link sources.
Online video: Adding video content to YouTube (with links back to your campaign website) can also rank well. Sometimes you may get a website search result along with a video result for certain searches. This tends to happen if both results are related to a similar topic (such as a blog post talking about a specific issue and a video about that same issue.)
Our own political candidate directory was designed to help tie all the different elements of a candidate together. By cross-linking related pages, it helps build relevancy for search engines. And that’s what Google tries to provide – the most relevant results.
It’s important to get information that you control to rank well for important searches. Why? It’s all about search engine domination – and because three-quarters of people never look past the first page of search results.